Seventeen local organisations work together under Lee Green Assembly’s banner of “Our community, our say” to create a safer, healthier and better environment while providing activities and services for local people.

Founded in 2016 by Friends of Manor House Gardens, Lee Manor Society and Lee Green Lives, the Consortium has looked for ways of supporting the dozens of volunteers who give their time freely to support local activities that enable people to enjoy healthier lives while having fun, and others to overcome loneliness and isolation, or advice and information for people in need.

Before the COVID pandemic, the groups organised the annual Showcase event at Manor House Gardens Festival, with funding from Lee Green Assembly. The Gardens Festival, held annually, regularly attracted more than a thousand visitors, many of whom passed through the marquee.

Since then, the Consortium’s members have stayed in touch through email exchanges and the occasional remote meeting. Its work is facilitated by Lee Green Lives. It has recently expanded with the addition of Arts Network and GRACE joining in 2021.

Members of the Consortium

  • Friends of Manor House Gardens
  • Lee Green Lives (LGL)
  • Lee Manor Society
  • Users and Friends of Manor House Library
  • Friends and Users of Staplehurst Shops (FUSS)
  • Lee Fair Share Time Bank
  • Lee Forum
  • Lee Green Open Studios
  • Lee Green Women’s Institute
  • Lochaber Hall Association
  • Manor House Library
  • Manor Park Friends
  • Newstead Tenants and Residents Association
  • Arts Network
  • GRACE (Greenwich Refugee Aid & Community Enterprise) Charity Shop


Who’s who in Lee Green Consortium

Friends and Users of Staplehurst Shops (FUSS)
FUSS was formed some 15 years ago to reinvigorate the run-down Staplehurst area in front of Hither Green. Volunteers liaise with the Council and shops, planted trees, installed planters. FUSS runs the successful annual Christmas Fair – featuring a giant tree, community activities and stalls – and other fairs to raise money and to sustain the area. Contact:

Friends of Manor House Gardens
A group of volunteers whose purpose is to increase use and enjoyment of the park, consulting regularly with Lewisham Council and Glendale to make improvements that benefit the whole community. Their work includes developing and hosting community events, including the massive annual summer festival, maintaining a community garden, reporting and resolving user issues and encouraging better biodiversity. Contact:

Lee Fair Share (LFS)
A Time Bank in the Lee and Hither Green area, offering local people the chance to make friends and know their neighbours. Every hour you spend helping someone gets you a Time Credit entitling you to support with something else. Helping someone in their garden might get you help with your computer. Activities include Coffee, Cake & Company featuring games, refreshments and friendships. Contact:

Lee Forum
Run for and by local people. You can influence the future of our area – help protect green spaces or guide building of homes and community spaces for example through Lee’s Neighbourhood Plan, drafted by Lee Forum and now in its final consultation stage. Once agreed, the Plan will be adopted by Lewisham and Greenwich councils, and guide their planning decisions. Contact:

Lee Green Lives (LGL)
A group that runs the community centre in Lee Green Community Centre, St Peter’s Hall, SE12 8HQ. They transformed an empty unit into a vibrant hub of activities for all needs, ages and backgrounds. Activities include computer and literacy classes, sociable tea-and-chat, sewing, exercises for older people, and a drop-in advice & support service. A major community resource, providing skills and experience for volunteers while supporting local groups throughout the area. Contact:

Lee Green Open Studios (LGOS)
Studios celebrating high-quality artists based in the area. Local homes, businesses, library and hall are open to the public with a chance to see and purchase amazing artwork created in the area, including paintings, prints, photography, ceramics, sculptors, jewellers and more. Held annually usually over two weekends in November. Contact:

Lee Green Women’s Institute (WI)
A friendly group of local women who get together to create, chat, draw, drink, listen, protest, get inspired, read and learn. Come and join us to learn new skills, to get involved with our neighbourhood – and have a laugh. Meet monthly. Website:

Lee Manor Society (LMS)
Lee Manor Society was established in 1976 to care for the conservation area of Lee Manor – a well-preserved example of a planned Victorian suburb with homes, schools, shops, a pub and a church. It has since widened to include much of Lee Green. Central to the society is the 18th century Manor House and its grounds, now a community library and park. Contact:

Lochaber Hall Community Association
Community Centre, Manor Lane Terrace, SE13 5QL, is a Grade II listed building managed by a small committee of local volunteers. There are two halls, one large and one small. Both are available for hire and have disabled access and toilets. Contact (for enquiries or bookings):

Manor House Library
34 Old Road, SE13 5SY. Georgian building, extensively refurbished, now a community library – open seven days a week – with access to over 5m books. Hosts community activities, reading groups for children, book groups for adults, printing and photocopying facilities. Contact: 020 8463 0420;

Manor Park Friends (MPF)
Manor Park Friends works for all its users to improve Manor Park, which features River Quaggy, a small woodland, play area and arts cafe. We fundraise for improvements (drinking fountain, plants and gardening equipment). Activities and events include picnics, arts and crafts, litter picks, gardening sessions and other fun environmental education. Contact:

Users and Friends of Manor House Library
The group was formed in 1999 to withstand threatened closure of Manor House Library. The successful campaign resulted in massive public investment to renovate the building. Since then, it was on the Mayor’s Commission for Libraries and Learning 2008/09 and continued to campaign for local and other libraries. Contact:

Arts Network
Located in Leegate, Arts Network provides a supportive welcoming space for individuals and workshops and other activities to explore their creativity, socialise and feel part of the community. Our free service is primarily aimed at people who have severe mental illness, and focuses on those who are isolated and have little or no resources or support. Contact:

GRACE (Greenwich Refugee Aid & Community Enterprise)
Charity Shop, 332 Lee High Road, SE13 5PJ. Drop off in-store from Tuesday-Friday 9:30am -2pm
Clothes for people of all ages, particularly children, domestic appliances, etc. Contact: 0208 062 8741 (please call during shop opening hours);

Lee Manor Society

Lee Manor Society takes an active interest in the Lee Manor Conservation area and its immediate surroundings which include Lee Green and Leegate. We have positively supported the Lee Green Community Centre from the outset and some of our members have contributed time and energy to the work of the Centre’s Committee (Trustees).  We have...
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Lee Forum

Lee Forum is a group of local volunteers, supported by Lewisham and Greenwich councils, to improve Lee’s social, environmental and economic wellbeing. We work, for example, to support and protect our local traders, community facilities and heritage, and to address problems such as derelict and empty buildings, land-banked green spaces, flytipping, inappropriate development, accessibility, road...
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Lee Fair Share

Lee Fair Share Time Bank which operated in the Hither Green and Lee Green area. runs regular activities. If you are interested in the following activities or require more information, please contact Lorraine Spenceley on 07875 082571; or
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GRACE Aid (Greenwich Refugee Aid and Community Enterprise)

GRACE Aid (Connecting Communities, Changing Lives)
Day: Tuesday - Friday
Time: 9:30am - 2:00pm
Where: 332 Lee High Road, SE13 5PJ
GRACE’s community shop that supports individuals and families with clothing and the everyday living essentials they need. We sell clothing and other donated goods direct to the public. We also host visits from clients referred for support by community groups and council services. We assist local charities in the borough and beyond.
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FUSS (Friends & Users of Staplehurst Shops)

FUSS was formed about twenty years ago by a group of local residents and a few local businesses. The aim was to raise the profile of what was a fairly run-down area north of Hither Green Station around Staplehurst Road. This has largely been focused on providing and maintaining street planters that are changed at...
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